CL13 - Spotlight on Stem Cells: "Cell fate decision in vivo and in vitro"

Colloque n°13 - Salle 300


The « DevStem » scientific cluster at Nantes University fosters collaborations among researchers focused on human stem cells, development, ageing, organoids and diseases modelling. This initiative aims to strengthen the human pluripotent stem cell or tissue-specific adult stem cell biology field in the Nantes region, it also aligns with the French Society of Stem Cells Research (FSSCR) to enhance the national research efforts of the French stem cell community.

This year, the symposium « Spotlight on Stem Cells », sponsored by the Nantes University and SFR Santé François Bonamy, focuses on recent research exploring the cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern cell fate decisions both in vivo and in vitro, which are pivotal for advancing fundamental knowledge and have significant implications for human fertility and the modeling of diseases emerging during embryonic development, including cancer.

It is for us the opportunity to host national and international speakers, feature high-level talks, facilitate a broad understanding of the field for the youngest, foster discussions that drive progress in stem cell biology, and promote valuable networking opportunities.

The symposium promises to foster stimulating scientific exchanges in the exceptional setting of the Cité des Congrès in Nantes, featuring a program with contributions from both established and junior researchers.

Don’t miss the chance to hear our keynote speakers , renowned experts in their fields:
  • Muriel Peron, Institut NeuroPSI , Paris Saclay
  • Roberto Mayor, UCL, London
  • Fabrice Lavial, CRCL Lyon



To participate register before May 11th

  1. Please send your abstract for oral presentation or poster presentation (to be specified, 1 page maximum free format) to the organizing committee before April 18th at, and
    Decision on selected abstracts communicated on May 5th.
  2. Click below to fill out the form and book a lunch (offered for selected abstract, wait May 5th for payment if you submitted an abstract). Please register for only one lunch if you participate to several seminars.

Register as organizer / speaker

Register as participant

Organizing committee:

  • Vanessa Chenouard, post-doc Scientist, CR2TI
  • Anne Camus, DR CNRS, RMeS
  • Jérôme Jullien, DR INSERM, CR2TI

Scientific committee:

Anne Camus, DR CNRS, RMeS ; Laurent David, MCU-PH Nantes Université, CR2TI ; Nathalie Gaborit, DR CNRS, Institut du Thorax ; Betty Gardie, Directrice d'Etudes de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Institut du thorax ; Vincent Guen, CR INSERM, CRCI2N ; Jérôme Jullien, DR INSERM, CR2TI ; Guillaume Lamirault, PU-PH Nantes Université, Institut du Thorax ; Maxime Mahé, CR INSERM, TENS ; Claire Pecqueur, DR INSERM, CRCI2NA

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Mis à jour le 07 mars 2025.